Windows is a sinister program that retards PC users that don't learn to outgrow it. Smartville is a Virtual Village chartered to repair some of the damage it has done. It fosters computer literacy by offering free basic computer training without charge.
This town will officially open for settlement on January 16th, 2000. It will be a place for people from around the world to get together to share knowledge and ideas, while learning to master these complex devices for free. This town is a proving ground where computer skills are acquired through participation in a workshop and joint projects. Students, or citizens, acquire real world business skills, by volunteering to assist in testing systems, software, and sites, for an hour a week, in additon to attending a two hour workshop. By taking on these assignments they learns things that can't be overed during the short time me meet.
We believe in working together in order to lessen the burden on us all. If unbroken, this circle of positive energy can generate great power for all its participants, by permitting them share knowledge. You are visiting the first page network.
Smartville is also a showcase for our citizens pages. The free software and services we offer permits those that build here to benefit for the over-all page draw. the system prototypes we teach students to build are just as powerful as those utilized by major corporations, but all the software we use to construct them is free.
A year in this town is like several college degrees in computer science, and business, rolled into one. Instead of teaching theory, we focus on practical application. Our hands-on training method helps student catch or quickly. All we do has meaning and purpose, and our courses are designed to target only those things you need to know.
The material found on the main page is only part of the training we offer. You'll learn a great deal more by attending our workshop.
Smartville is actually a live model that permits those that vist often observe change and grow.
Our goal is to give those that see the dangers talked about here the technical skills they need to prosper in a rapidly changing world. Without computer, and business skills, many will suffer in the days ahead.
We realize that membership in the community isn't for everyone.Here, There will never be a fee charged for our basic course, but those that enroll should understand that this isn't a game. Smartville citizens exchange time for training. Building a strong community benefits all that take part in this endeavor.
Those that take what they read seriously will understand that no corporate job is safe. Acquiring strong computer skills is an important part of our survial strategy for the coming age. They can empower those ready to lay the foundations for their on enterprises, before they find themselves without a source of income. We encourage all with the drive and ambition, to start their own small web based businesses, in their spare time. You can think of it as a hobby if you choose to.
Smartville was founded to be a community of enterpreneurs willing to work to help others. Many to come here will have already tried, and failed to get SBA loans. We have faith in the power of the internet start-ups based on good ideas, while their programs are primarily set up to help those already in business, Computer skills can help motivated individuals get around their road blocks.
Here we value Mind, not hard cash, collatoral, or muscle. It can work wonders on the Web. Do you have what it take to tap into the riches that await those that aren't afraid to think, and plan?
Once former students become successful, we ask that they invest in the good ideas of others that belong to this group. What better source of qualified loan applicants exists? Having built web based businesses themselves, They'll be able to provide guidance and training to those they help get started, Let the SBA and bankers stay in the past, We believe that intellectual captial is the most valuable asset in the new world that is springing up around us all. Good ideas are worth more than hard assets in the Information Age.
Brillant thoughts are a rare commodity. They have limitless earning potential, reap large rewards should they pay off, and usually represent years of hard work. We see them, and a well written business plan, as stepping stones to untold wealth. Those that have tried to borrow money to start an technologically based business have no doubt faced failure. Those that gather here will have the insight, and vision needed to help them get off the ground.
CRCS promises to provide training, and support, to all that want to use their brains to get the things from life they desire. Technology holds the key to the future. In Smartville you can start with nothing, and can build an electronic empire, only if you're willing to put in the work needed to do so. The Internet is the first new frontier to open since the old west. This site offers people in need of an opportunity a chance to stake a claim on the Information Highway. We impart the skills needed to use the electronic pick and shovels required to strike it rich in this new age.